Introduction of
CSCD: Vietnam Mobile Police

What is CSCD - Vietnam Mobile Police?

CSCD:VMP is a first-person tactical shooting game. In the game, players will command a team consisting of multiple members, simulating CSCĐ officers - A division of Vietnam Special Force. Players must utilize their tactical thinking to plan, execute strategies, and adapt to emerging situations during the course of their missions. 

In the game, we use 'CSCD' instead of 'CSCĐ' as a small adjustment to increase international recognition. In Vietnamese, CSCĐ actually stands for 'Cảnh Sát Cơ Động,' which means 'Mobile Police Force.' While CSCD retains the same alphabet structure, it is given a different meaning: Counter. Secure. Control Division. It's a bit of our creativity, but it still sounds cool!

Then there will be a slight difference between CSCD and CSCĐ. CSCĐ is the name of a real-life force, while CSCD is used only in the game. But fundamentally, they are the same. It's pronounced as \si-ɛs-si-di\.

Why CSCĐ ?

Special forces around the world are the pride of the nations they serve. Some renowned names include GIGN (France), SWAT (USA), Spetsnaz (Russia), SAS (United Kingdom), and so on. Many games have been inspired by these elite forces.

In Vietnam, the CSCĐ serves as a symbol of justice and strength, worthy of standing alongside other special forces worldwide. Therefore, the development team believes that creating a game centered around the Vietnamese CSCĐ force will be a unique and compelling idea.

Is this game for you?

As a tactical shooting game, CSCD will not feature the cinematic action scenes found in games like Call of Duty or Battlefield. Instead, the game offers a moderately paced experience, allowing players enough time to execute their plans and respond to situations during the game. In gunfights, players will always need sharp reflexes and the ability to make quick decisions.

The gameplay follows a 'hardcore' direction, requiring players to be cautious in every move and action. Combat and handling situations must be done skillfully to progress and complete the missions set by the game.

If you're a gamer who enjoys tactical simulation, CSCD will be the perfect game for you!

Current development process

As of now (2024), the CSCD project has been underway for nearly 8 years (since April 2016). Indeed, this is a very long period, beyond all expectations of the development team. However, for an Indie game, a development time spanning several years is perhaps not unusual.

The project’s progress may not be particularly swift, but we affirms that we will never stop. We will continue to advance and develop until completion. Despite knowing that there will still be many hardships ahead, requiring a lot of time, effort, and even money, We believe that with great passion and your support, We will soon complete the project.

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CSCD: Vietnam Mobile Police - A product from LegionTeam
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