The game features

1. Unique Vietnamese context

Unlike most games set in Vietnam, which mainly focus on the feudal period, the Vietnam War, or ancient civilizations, CSCD is centered around the contemporary Vietnamese context, offering a setting very close to everyday life. These are streets lined with narrow alleyways and a diverse urban landscape.

The development team spent considerable time walking through the streets and visiting suburban areas to observe unique details. From there, we conducted research, summarized findings, and selected features that are uniquely Vietnamese to incorporate into the game environment.

Due to limited funding and human resources, the in-game models (assets) available at this stage may not be highly diverse. However, over time, we will continuously enrich the game by adding new assets to enhance its realism.

2. Gameplay

In any game title, gameplay mechanics are always the foundation that defines the essence of that game. In the case of CSCD, since graphics are not a strong point, the development team has prioritized gameplay elements above all else. Below, we would like to highlight some of the most prominent mechanics. Immerse yourself in the game to have the best experience!


The way players interact with weapons is perhaps the most prominent feature of the game. With a diverse aiming mechanism suitable for various combat situations, the development team aims to provide players with the most comfortable and natural experience when using weapons.

Mechanics include: blind fire, free aiming, canted aiming, quick aiming, deep aiming, High ready, Low ready, etc.

'Hard core' playstyle

You want to play in a "run and gun" style? Feel free, the game does not prevent you from doing so. In fact, there will even be a specific option for those who enjoy this style of play.

However, you will gradually realize that "run and gun" is not a good solution, as any losses incurred to the team you manage cannot be recovered after each level. Therefore, a slow and careful approach is the most prudent path to take.

Resource management

With the concept of "Profiles," the game presents a new perspective on resource management. Through Profiles, players will manage three types of resources: personnel, weapons, and tools.

Players will be provided with a limited amount of credits when creating a new Profile, the amount of credits will increase when players successfully complete tasks in the levels, allowing them to further supplement the necessary resources for the team.

3. AI System

An essential AI system is paramount, especially for a single-player game like CSCD: Vietnam Mobile Police. The development team has prioritized AI from the very beginning. Equipped with the ability to organize group defenses and attacks, combined with powerful firepower, enemy forces can pose significant challenges to players.

Valuable feedback from our dedicated playtesters has provided the development team with numerous insights, leading to substantial improvements in the AI system. We have focused on skills such as aiming, selecting firing methods based on target distance, coordinating with teammates, and interacting with the environment, with many more specialized skills planned for future updates.

4. Modding

The development team has a strong desire to build a thriving modding community where modders can freely express their creativity and add content they wish to see in the game. This could include familiar streets from their own neighborhoods, locations tied to well-known cases, or new weapons and tools—perhaps even ones that have never existed in real life.

At present, the development team has designed three open-source tools, available for free, each serving a unique purpose: the Map Data Editor (MDE), Gun Data Editor (GDE), and Attachment Data Editor (ADE). You can find more information about these tools by visiting the project's wiki page.

Given the current resources and manpower, the team understands that this project cannot succeed without the support of a strong modding community. Let’s work together to build something special!

CSCD: Vietnam Mobile Police - A product from LegionTeam
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